Once considered a heinous act in vampire society, Diablerie has become more common as a reward for Thin Bloods who've served their Clan with distinction.

It is one of the few ways to lower a vampire's generation, and increase their powers. Diablerie involves a vampire drinking the blood of another vampire, to the point that the victim suffers the Final Death. This means that it's almost certain that players will gain their increased powers through the act of Diablerie. The lore of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 is tied to the latest edition of the Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop RPG. Joining a Clan will give the player character access to new Disciplines, as well as cause them to take on the physical or mental traits of that Clan. The idea behind this is to give players a chance to get to know the various Clans before making a decision. At a certain point, players will be given the opportunity to join one of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2's five vampire Clans.